草坪对于人类赖以生存的环境起着美化、保护和改善的作用,随着城市建设的发展,人民物质文化水平的提高。对草坪的种类、数量、质量的要求也不断提高,为了选择适于当地自然气候条件的优良草坪品种,寻求科学的建植方法和管理技术措施,我们通过多年试验,筛选出了适用呼和浩特及类似地区的几种冷季型草坪植物和管理技术。 1 品种选择
The lawn plays the role of beautification, protection and improvement for the environment inhabited by mankind. With the development of urban construction, people’s material and cultural level is enhanced. Lawn species, quantity, quality requirements are also rising, in order to select the appropriate local natural climatic conditions of fine turf varieties, to seek scientific methods of planting and management of technical measures, we through years of testing, screened for Hohhot and similar Several cold-season turf plants and management techniques in the area. 1 variety selection