由《通讯世界》杂志社和国际光学工程学会(SPIE)、中国光学会和中国通信学会联合主办的“APOC2005亚太光通信产业发展论坛”于11月8日在上海圆满结束。这是这一继美国OFC、欧洲ECOC之后的全球第三大光通信行业的国际盛会在中国第5次成功举办。论坛本身也同往年一样,精彩、热烈、成功、圆满。信息产业部科技司高科技发展处副处长倪小龙、中国电信网络发展部高级业务经理袁海涛、中国网通研究院副院长唐雄燕、华为光网络部部长祈峰、上海贝尔阿尔卡特(ASB)光网络部业务发展总监桑须雷、思科亚太区光网络部产品经理莫兆文、盛立亚CEO刘燕明、泰乐中国区技术总监丁浩、In-Stat中国区总裁Jason Yin以及来自SPIE的专家对光网络、光接入、光传输、光器件和光电子等各方面进行了精彩的演讲。尤其值得关注的是,他们都从自身的角度阐述了光通信未来的发展,并且对于运营商转型和如何迎接下一代网络提出了精辟的见解。“APOC亚太光通信产业发展论坛”到今天已经5岁了,就像一瓶陈年老酒一样,越久越醇、越香,与产业的结合也越紧密。明年,它也将如约而至,明年的精彩希望您与我们共同期待。
The “APOC2005 Asia Pacific Forum of Optical Communication Industry Development,” co-sponsored by Communications World Magazine and the International Association of Optical Engineering (SPIE), China Optical Society and China Institute of Communications, ended successfully in Shanghai on November 8. This is the fifth international success of this international event, the third largest in the world after the OFC in the United States and the European ECOC. As in previous years, the Forum itself is wonderful, warm, successful and successful. Ni Xiaolong, Deputy Director of Hi-Tech Development Division, Ministry of Information Industry; Yuan Haitao, Senior Business Manager of China Telecom’s Network Development Department; Tang Xiongyan, Vice President of China Netcom Research Institute; Qifeng, Head of Huawei Optical Networks Division; Alcatel Shanghai Bell Co., Ltd. Sang Rui Lei, director of business development of the network department, Mo Zhaowen, product manager of Cisco Asia Pacific Optical Network, Liu Yanming, CEO of Tailor, Ding Hao, chief technology officer of Tailor China, Jason Yin, president of In-Stat China and experts from SPIE, Optical access, optical transmission, optical devices and optoelectronics and other aspects of a wonderful speech. What deserves our attention is that they all explained the future development of optical communication from their own perspectives and offered insightful insights on how carriers should transition and how to welcome next-generation networks. “APOC Asia Pacific Optical Communications Industry Development Forum” to 5 years old today, just like a bottle of old wine, the longer the more alcohol, the more fragrant, the more closely with the industry. Next year, it will be the same as before, the wonderful next year hope you and we look forward to.