××:您好! 来信提到《装饰》的读者想知道国外橱窗设计方面的信息。正好我这里有几幅最近拍摄的橱窗设计照片,就谈谈我对巴黎橱窗设计的印象和感受吧。应该说,巴黎的橱窗设计是相当吸引人的。与我所见到的欧洲其他儿个国家的橱窗设计相比,这儿的设计手法和风格显得更浪漫抒情又富于想象。这可能与法兰西民族的气质有关。记得五年前当我第一次来巴黎时,
××: Hello! The letter refers to the “decoration” readers want to know the design of foreign window information. Just here I have a few recently shot window design photos, to talk about my impression of Paris window design and feel it. It should be said that Paris’s window design is very attractive. Compared with the window designs that I have seen in other European countries, the design techniques and styles here are more romantic lyric and imaginative. This may be related to the temperament of the French nation. I remember when I first came to Paris five years ago,