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蔡璐今年15岁,是山东实验中学高一年级的学生。她性格文静,白皙的脸庞上隐隐露着一丝未脱尽的稚气。说起2002年1月她参加在中央音乐学院举办的“首届(2001年度)雅马哈中国业余管乐卡拉OK决赛”,在全国16个赛区的长笛冠军中一举夺魁的事情,蔡璐还有些腼腆 Cai Lu 15 years old this year, Shandong Experimental High School freshman students. Her quiet personality, white face faintly reveal a trace of childlike childish. Speaking of her participation in the “First (2001) Yamaha Chinese Amateur Windsurfing Karaoke Final” held in January 2002 in Central Conservatory of Music, she also won some prizes in the flute championships of 16 districts throughout the country
We used thermal images of bamboo culms of Guadua angustifolia Kunth to analyze the relationship between culm surface temperature and maturity, driven by the hyp
A modified temperature-phase transformation-stress coupled 3D non-linear mathematical model and a series of subroutines on the non-liner MARC (MARC Analysis Res
北京大学临床肿瘤学院超声科陈敏华教授等共同完成的“射频消融治疗肝癌方案的研究”在美国Radiology杂志上发表 (2 0 0 4 ,2 32 :2 6 0 - 2 71) ,引起国内外放射学界的关注
Tunisia,as an attracive country boasting advantages in North Africa,is sparkling with its unique charms.On the occasion of the Xiamen Fair and successive visit
《日语学习与研究》杂志原主编冷铁铮教授因患结肠癌,经抢救医治无效,于2003年2月17日凌晨2时15分在北京不幸逝世,享年88岁。 冷铁铮先生早年留学日本,先入日本东京高等学校
那是一片悲怆的土地,痛苦、扭结;那是无数棵疯狂的白菜,妖冶、多姿。 That is a land of sorrow, pain, kink; that is countless crazy cabbage, flirtatious, colorful.