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在很久很久以前,黄帝把训练好的熊、罴、貔、貅、虎等猛兽驱赶上阵,以助军威,打败了炎帝。这是世界战争史上使用动物助战的最早战例。古今中外,动物在战争中被使用的例子数不胜数。为了构筑海上屏障,以阻止美国舰队驶入波斯湾,伊拉克军方在海湾战争爆发前在海湾布设了数以千计的水雷,自以为固若 In a long, long time ago, the Yellow Emperor drove well-trained bears such as beasts, clam, clam, tiger and tiger in order to help defeat Yan Emperor. This is the earliest example of the use of animal parastatics in the history of world war. There are countless examples of animals being used during the war, both ancient and modern. In order to build a maritime barrier to prevent the U.S. fleet from entering the Persian Gulf, the Iraqi military deployed thousands of mines to the Gulf before the Gulf War broke out.
艺术是情感的宣泄和心灵的寄放  我的理解摄影是心灵的窗口、文化的载体,看似信首拈来,实则情之所至,心之所至,可谓尺幅映大干、瞬间聚永恒。就我而言,摄影更是情感另存的方式。  我没有什么别的嗜好,工作之余静静地翻翻书、写写字,自得其乐。2004年12月,到成都战区任职后,大西南深厚的文化底蕴、绮丽的山山水水、独特的民族风情、可爱的边疆卫士,深深地吸引着我、感染着我!我自问,为什么不拿起相机记录下自己