In the second half of 1973, the electrophoresis apparatus was urgently needed to cooperate with the census of liver cancer and hepatitis, and was not readily available on the market. We follow the teachings of Chairman Mao “self-reliance ”, “to save the trouble revolution ”, do it yourself a simple electrophoresis instrument, the use of good performance, the results are stable, are presented below. Materials: Five-lamp power transformers, one Fu-7 tube (with tube seat), one 624 tube (tube seat), one 500K potentiometer (carbon film), a 1K (3W) potentiometer ) 1, 2K (3 ~ 5W) Wirewound resistor 1, 50K (1W) Carbon film resistor 1, 20μf400V electrolytic capacitor 2, the terminal (red) 2, the terminal Knob 2, 0 ~ 250V DC voltmeter