【摘 要】
On November 13,Jiangxi Copper officially signed transfer agreement on the share rights of lead-zinc mines with Jiangxi Provincial Geol- ogy & Mineral Resources
【出 处】
China Nonferrous Metals Monthly
On November 13,Jiangxi Copper officially signed transfer agreement on the share rights of lead-zinc mines with Jiangxi Provincial Geol- ogy & Mineral Resources Bureau,marking the beginning of full-strategic cooperation between the two parties for the common exploitation of lead-zinc industry in the province. The Jiangxi Province is rich in lead-zinc re- sources,but most of them are in scattered lay-
On November 13, Jiangxi Copper officially signed transfer agreement on the share rights of lead-zinc mines with Jiangxi Provincial Geology & Mineral Resources Bureau, marking the beginning of full-strategic cooperation between the two parties for the common exploitation of lead-zinc industry in the province. The Jiangxi Province is rich in lead-zinc re- sources, but most of them are in scattered lay-
兔子在屋里,忽然听到门口传来一阵声响。等它打开门才发现,自己家的篱笆被推倒了。 “是谁?”兔子跑出门,看见熊远去的背影。兔子正想追向前去,却又停住了脚步。追上了又怎样,自己也打不过它。 兔子回到屋里,越想越生气,“不就凭着自己力气大吗,损坏了别人的东西也不道歉!” 兔子想出门玩儿,没心情;吃水果,没胃口;干活,没力气……兔子在屋里踱来踱去,心里的火气越来越大。一会儿,猴子来串门,兔子把篱笆被
The presented study concerned up-converting core/shell type nanomaterials based on lanthanide(Ⅲ) ions, Ln(Ⅲ), doped orthoborates. The system studied composed
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