20世纪50年代以来,山东省章丘市博物馆在考古发掘和文物拣选、征集等工作中,收集古代铜镜百余件,现择部分精品介绍如下。 1.“日光”铭草叶纹镜。直径11.2厘米。圆形,圆纽,圆纽座。座外方框,框间四角饰斜线纹的正方形,间有铭文“见日之光,天下大明”。方框外饰三重叠式草叶纹,间有小乳丁纹,乳丁带有圆座;四角伸出对称的叶纹,缘
Since the 1950s, Zhangqiu City Museum in Shandong Province in the archaeological excavations and cultural relics selection, collection and other work, the collection of ancient bronze mirror hundreds of pieces, now select some of the boutique are described below. 1. “Sunlight” Ming grass leaf mirror. 11.2 cm in diameter. Round, round New York, round nubuck. Block outside the box, squares between the box decorated diagonal stripes square, there are inscriptions “The light of day, the world Daming ”. Triangular boxed grass outside the decorative leaf pattern, a small milk between the small, milk with a round base; four corners of the symmetrical leaf pattern, margin