:近年来 ,我国西夏学研究取得了长足的发展。 1995年首届西夏学国际学术讨论会召开后的 5年间陆续出版论著、资料 10余部 ,发表论文 14 0余篇 ,内容涉及西夏社会历史的诸多方面。本文即对这一时期的主要著作作一简要介绍 ,并选择较有代表性的论文 50余篇 ,分为关于西夏法典《天盛律令》的研究、社会制度和军事、经济和地理、民族起源和民族关系、语言文字、文化与宗教、考古与文献考释、学术动态等 8个方面进行系统、综合论述
In recent years, great progress has been made in the study of Western Xia School in our country. In 1995, after the first international symposium on Xixia Studies was held, more than 10 papers and over 14 papers have been published in five years, covering many aspects of social history of Xixia. This article is a brief introduction of the main works of this period, and select more than 50 papers are representative, divided into research on the Code of Xishan Code “Tiansheng Law”, the social system and military, economic and geographical, ethnic origin And ethnic relations, language, culture and religion, archeology and literature review, academic dynamics, etc. 8 aspects of systematic and comprehensive discussion