高层预制抗震结构的民族饭店的兴建,不仅反映了祖国建国十年来建筑事业的光辉成就,而且再一次说明党和政府民族政策的正确以及对少数民族无微不至的关怀。 民族饭店耸立在首都西单广场往西路北民族文化宫的西侧,高达48.4m,计12层,呈淡黄色,为首都近代化设备齐全的
The construction of nationality hotels with high-grade prefabricated anti-earthquake structures not only reflects the glorious achievements of the construction industry in the ten years since the founding of the motherland, but also illustrates the correctness of the national policies of the party and the government and the meticulous care for ethnic minorities. The National Hotel stands on the west side of the capital, Xidan Square, on the west side of the National Cultural Palace on the west side of the capital. It is up to 48.4m. It is 12-storey and pale yellow. It is fully equipped for the modernization of the capital.