
来源 :当代传播 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:richard_kai
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本文对2012—2016年数据新闻奖提名的350部作品进行研究,探讨全球数据新闻业的发展趋势,并对代表性作品进行文本分析,试图总结数据呈现参与新闻叙事的模式。采用量化与质化相结合的研究方法,揭示出数据新闻生产的基本特征,及其在政治、经济、社会等主流议题上的呈现策略,归纳出数据呈现嵌入新闻叙事的三组基本模式——线性模式与延伸模式、利基模式与类比模式、组合模式与网状模式。 This article examines 350 nominations for the 2012-2016 Journalism Press Awards to explore trends in the global data journalism industry and textual analysis of representative works in an attempt to summarize the patterns that data presents in the narrative of news stories. Using the research method of combining quantification and qualitative analysis, this paper reveals the basic characteristics of data news production and its presentation strategies on major issues such as politics, economy and society. It concludes that the data presents three basic patterns embedded in news narration - Linear mode and extension mode, niche mode and analog mode, combination mode and mesh mode.