全面质量管理(TOTAL QUALITY CONTROL,简称TQC)是一种先进的科学管理方法。它是指“依靠企业全体职工,以数理统计方法为基本手段,综合运用组织管理、专业技术及各种科学的方法和手段,对产品质量形成全过程的各种影响因素进行全面预防和控制,以保证能最经济地向用户提供满意的产品和服务所进行的综合的、系统的管理活动”。 全面质量管理在我国已广泛应用于企业管理(尤其是产品质量管理)。虽然也有一部分企业将这一先进的管理方法应用于档案管理中并取得一定成效的,但全面地将全面质量管理应用于档案工作——不仅应用于企业档案工作,而且应用于机关、事业单位的档案工
TQAL (TQC) is an advanced scientific management method. It refers to “rely on all the workers in enterprises, mathematical statistics as the basic means of comprehensive use of organizational management, professional and scientific methods and means of various factors that affect the whole process of product quality to carry out a comprehensive prevention and control, To ensure that the most economical way to provide users with satisfactory products and services conducted by the integrated, systematic management activities. ” Total quality management in our country has been widely used in business management (especially product quality management). Although some enterprises apply this advanced management method to the management of archives and have achieved some success, they have applied total quality management to archives in an all-round way - not only applied to enterprise archival work, but also used in institutions and public institutions File workers