重新审视和梳理席勒的审美教育思想 ,不难发现 ,席勒虽然看到了人性分裂、异化的根源在于文化 ,并试图通过审美教育的途径来解决这一问题 ,恢复人性的和谐 ,达到自由 ,但理性的板结化使席勒远离了人的实际生存 ,因此他的审美自由观并没有走出西方传统形而上学主客二分的理性架构 ,其自由最终仍落在理性自由上
Reviewing and reviewing Schiller’s aesthetic education thought, it is not difficult to find that although Schiller saw the split of human nature, the root of alienation is culture, trying to solve this problem through the way of esthetic education, restoring the harmony of human nature and reaching the goal of freedom, However, the rational compaction left Schiller far away from the real existence of human beings, so his view of aesthetic freedom did not get out of the rational structure of subject and object of Western traditional metaphysics, and his freedom eventually still fell on the rational freedom