Transient Response in a Bi-material Cylinder of Soft Ferromagnetic Material Subjected to Magnetic Sh

来源 :固体力学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Daemonman
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The transient response in a bi-material cylinder of soft ferromagnetic material under magnetic shock is investigated in this study.The analytical solutions for displacement and stress have been derived using the finite Hankel transform and the Laplace transform.The numerical examples show that the displacement and stress fields respond dynamically in the bi-material cylinder under magnetic shock.The derived displacement at the center and radial stress on the surface of the cylinder satisfy the boundary conditions,showing the correctness of calculation.The displacement and stress waves propagate from the surface to the center of the cylinder when the magnetic field is loaded.The stress fields increase from the center to the surface of the cylinder and are much larger than the quasi-static state since the waves reflect,collide and concentrate in the body of the cylinder.The method of this paper can be used in the design of soft ferromagnetic structures.
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