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一我怀着无比的虔诚而来,带着对莒国久远文化的渴盼,沿着60年一周期的甲午年足音,在夏的风姿靓影里走近你。一路高速三个多小时的车程。抵达,已是近午。来路上,目及车外,穿过片片丛林飞花,一遍遍勾画你的模样。车窗外太阳缓慢地行进,与我神往的心形成鲜明对比。一路风驰,驶出高速公路,一种说不出的视觉美感融入眼帘,一派清新焕然而至!随即一股脑儿的美好词汇从胸口涌动而出:澄澈辽远,千里一碧,翠色欲流,绽红泻绿……远离了尘世的喧嚣,仿佛经历了一次现实的穿越。 I am with incomparable devout, with longing for the country’s longing culture, along the 60-year period of the Sino-Japanese footsteps, approaching you in the summer style of Liang Ying. All the way high-speed more than three hours by car. Arrived, it is near noon. On the road, head and outside the car, fly through the jungle piece of film, over and over again to sketch your appearance. The sun slowly moving outside the car window, in contrast with my fascinating heart. All the way to speeding, out of the highway, a kind of indescribable visual beauty into the eyes, a group fresh look! Immediately brain waves of beautiful words surging out from the chest: clear and distant, Trinidad and Tobago, Cuise want to flow, Blooming red purplish green ... ... far away from the bustle of the earth, as if through a reality through.
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承载着人们梦想与追求的2010年上海世界博览会“五一”开园。  开园首日,人流如织。巧夺天工的建筑,五光十色的未来世界,新技术勾勒出“城市,让生活更美好”的美丽图景;兀立的图腾、热辣的舞蹈、质朴的雕塑,非洲联合馆铺陈出神奇的自然之地。创新的高科技与原始的天人合一,两种时尚在世博园内对话碰撞。  21世纪第十个年头,驻足百年盛典,不禁凝眸省思——我们“如何设想未来”?城市与乡村、文明与自然、未来与历