我的名字 我的牌子

来源 :明日风尚(娱乐名人) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alexiss
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在这个任何人都可能成名的真人秀时代,名气等于金钱。无论当初名气如何建立——唱歌、演戏、运动,靠家世、抑或是跻身上电视真人秀的甲乙丙丁——一旦拥有了名气,便能赚取更多名气,并折现换取金钱。这折换法绝对不限于各人本行所获的酬金,影星与球星的千万美元片酬和合约、歌手巡回演唱会赚真金白银,都只是基本收入。因为知名度而带来广告合约、为商品当代言人、出席派对晚会获赠免费礼品,都是额外花红。然而最直接把Fans的金钱吸人自己口袋的方法,便是以个人名义推出商品。这跟以往歌手在演唱会中售卖纪念品不可同日而语——纵使纪念商品能为歌手和乐队增加不少盈利,但只是今时今日名气换金钱方程式的雏形。当今时代,有生意头脑的影星名人,都要把自己的名字变成品牌。他们售卖的,不是徒印有其名的纪念品,目标消费者并不一定是影迷歌迷和拥趸。如何把名气化成品牌,是成为今日名气界翘楚的入门第一步。 In this era of reality shows where anyone can become famous, fame equals money. Regardless of how the fame was built-singing, acting, exercising, relying on the family, or being on the TV reality show, B and C - once you have earned your fame you can earn more fame and discount for money. This method of conversion is by no means limited to the remuneration we receive from the Bank, the millions of dollars paid by movie stars and celebrities and contracts, and the singers’ tour concerts are just the basic income. Because of the popularity of advertising contracts, gifts for the current spokesman for the party, attended the party received a free gift, are extra bonuses. However, the most direct way to suck Fans’ money into their own pockets is to launch them in their personal name. This is not unlike the sale of souvenirs by singers in the past. Even though souvenir products can add a lot of profits to singers and bands, it is only the embryonic form of today’s fame and money conversion equation. In today’s era, business-minded celebrity stars have to turn their names into brands. What they sell is not a memento printed only by their name, and the target consumer is not necessarily a fan of fan or fan. How to turn fame into a brand is the first step toward getting started as a leader in fame today.
“宇宙牌香烟誉满全球!”1983年,随着马季先生的一声吆喝,我们更直接的感受到了相声艺术的魅力, “Cosmic brand of cigarettes reputation for the world! ” 1983, with
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