我县地少人多,为了适应农民迫切要求建房的需要,我厂于1980年底开始进行商品农房的试建工作。建房从基础到屋顶、从建筑材料到施工安装,全部由我厂负责,受到农民的欢迎。现介绍如下。该房选用中型空心混凝土砌块作墙体材料,配以基础砌块、钢筋混凝土挂瓦板和钢筋混凝土(或木、钢)门窗,组装成现场几乎无湿作业的全装配式农房。目前这种房屋除作农房外,还用于农用仓库、职工宿舍和两层材料试验楼,总面积共达700米~2。该房在构造处理上有以下特点: 1.由基础圈梁、檐口(或窗上沿)圈梁与墙体转角处的现浇内柱组成内框架系统,保证房屋的整体性; 2.砌块内企口现浇150号细石混凝土,保证砌块间的抗剪和连续性能; 3.砌块和圈梁可作内框架节点的模具用,浇灌混凝土可省略拆模和养护时间;
In order to meet the needs of peasants for urgently building houses, our factory began trial construction of commercial farm houses by the end of 1980. The construction of the house from the foundation to the roof, from the construction materials to the construction and installation are all undertaken by our factory and welcomed by farmers. The introduction is as follows. The room is made of medium-sized hollow concrete block as wall material, together with foundation block, reinforced concrete hanging tile and reinforced concrete (or wood, steel) doors and windows, and assembled into a fully assembled rural house with almost no wet operation on site. At present, apart from being used as a farmhouse, this kind of house is also used for agricultural warehouses, staff quarters and two-story material test buildings, with a total area of 700 m2. The structure of the house has the following characteristics: 1. The inner frame system is composed of the foundation ring beam, the girder (or the window top edge) ring beam and the cast-in-place column at the corner of the wall to ensure the integrity of the house; Block No. 150 fine stone concrete is cast in the block to ensure shear and continuous performance between blocks; 3. Blocks and ring beams can be used for the mold of the internal frame joints, and concrete can be omitted to remove the mold and curing time;