偶与莉莉老师在电车上邂 逅,得知她刚从新加坡归来,激 起我拜访她的强烈愿望。 按约定时间我来到她家,莉莉老师正在客厅门口等我,她穿一身暗紫花儿的太太服,修饰整洁,精神健朗,虽是七十一岁的人了,可演员的风采仍不减当年。她热情引我到客厅,这时看到她的老伴、著名画家艾中信正在那儿写东西,我们打了招呼,他便挪到另一房间去了。我和莉莉老师便开门见山地谈了起来。
Even with Lily teacher met on the tram, that she had just returned from Singapore, aroused my strong desire to visit her. At the appointed time, I came to her house. Teacher Lily was waiting for me at the entrance of the living room. She wore a dark purple blouse, grooming neat and cheerful. Although she was a seventy-one year old, then. She warmly led me to the living room, then saw her husband, the famous painter Ai Zhongxin is writing something there, we say hello, he moved to another room. I talked with Lily teacher straight away.