编辑同志: 前几天,我带儿子到一位朋友家聚会,吃饭时,尽管饭桌上还有位置,可我那位朋友不肯让他5岁的儿子上桌吃饭,而是让我儿子陪着,另设了一个小桌。现在社会发展了,难道,还需要像老辈人那样,讲那么多的礼儿吗? 天津李霞李霞同志: 你那位朋友不肯让他的儿子与成人同桌吃饭,不一定是出于什么礼儿,我想可能有这么几种理由: 首先,请客时,主人都较热情,菜的品种一般都较平时多几样,孩子上桌吃时容易出现挑挑捡捡的现象,若次数多了,会产生挑食的毛病。其次,孩子们在一起吃,窖易调动他们的食欲,
Edit Comrades: A few days ago, I took my son to a friend’s house to get together. At meal time, my friend refused to allow his 5-year-old son to go to the table to eat even though there was a place on the table, The other set up a small table. Now society has developed, is it also need to talk about so much ceremony like the older generation? Li Xia, Tianjin Comrade: Your friend refused to let his son eat with adults at the same table, not necessarily out of what ceremony Children, I think there may be several reasons: First of all, when the guests are more enthusiastic, the variety of dishes are generally more than a few more than usual, when children eat the table prone to pick the pick pick phenomenon, if the number of times more , Will produce picky eaters problems. Second, the children eat together, cellar easily mobilize their appetite,