自信还是自负? 小胡今年从复旦大学毕业了,留在实习时的一家公司。与她同时进公司的同事们要么学历没她高,要么学的专业没有她好,她说自己心里是很有一番优越感的。当领导要她从最基础的工作做起时,她觉得以她的条件,实在是大材小用了。一次,在计算效益时,她把一笔投资存款的利息计算了两次,帐面多出了整整两亿元,虽然最后没有造成实际损失,但整个公司的财务计划被全部打乱了。小胡说当时心里没觉得问题特严重,她说这就像做错了一道数学题,改过来,下次注意就是了。而在公司的眼里,这孩子把自己的能力估计得太高了,自信是应该的,但过了就成了自傲和自负。
Confident or conceited? Xiao Hu graduated from Fudan University this year, stay in internship, a company. At the same time with her colleagues into the company or not her education is not high, or did not learn her professional, she said he was a sense of superiority. When the leader asked her to start from the most basic job, she felt that she was in a big mess with her condition. Once, when calculating her effectiveness, she calculated the interest on an investment deposit twice and gave a total amount of more than $ 200 million. Although there was no actual loss in the end, the financial plan of the entire company was totally disrupted. Small nonsense did not think the problem was particularly serious, she said it was like doing a wrong math problem, change over, the next attention is it. In the eyes of the company, the child has estimated his ability to be too high, and his self-esteem should be taken. However, he has become proud and conceited.