约三十年前,Jacobson和Lorenz实验证明:在给小鼠作致死量照射时,如果保护小鼠的脾脏,或其后给小鼠输注骨髓,对小鼠有保护作用。以后又证明这种保护作用是由于输注的骨髓细胞能在受体中定居的结果。这一研究成果很快引用到人体上来,但是由于当时对人体组织相容性类型(Histocompalibility typing)的知识缺乏,因此有关这方面的早期努力多半失败。近10多年来,由于对人体组织相容性
About thirty years ago, Jacobson and Lorenz experiments showed that mice were protected if the mice were spleen protected by a lethal dose of irradiation or the mice were infused with bone marrow. It was later shown that this protective effect was the result of the infused bone marrow cells settling in the recipient. The research results are quickly quoted to the human body, but due to a lack of knowledge of Histocompalibility typing at that time, early efforts in this area have largely failed. For nearly 10 years, due to human tissue compatibility