在改革不断深化的过程中,作为预防保健的主力军,各级卫生防疫站面临着与国家对预防保健工作的要求和人民对预防保健的需求越来越不适应的局面。突出表现在三个方面:1 医学模式的转变对防疫工作的冲击随着生物医学模式向社会、心理、生物医学模式的转变,人们对防疫工作的认识发生了很大的变化。防疫工作不再是单纯的传染病防治了,而是包括了对社会公共卫生管理、传染病、慢性病防治、健康教育等在内的预防保健工作。这个变化使防疫站原来的工作任务、目标、方式和组织形式都面临着不适应的局面。
In the process of deepening reforms, as the main force of preventive health care, health and disease prevention stations at all levels are facing the situation that the state demands for preventive health care work and the people’s need for preventive health care is increasingly unsuitable. Outstanding performance in three aspects: 1 The impact of the transformation of the medical model on epidemic prevention As the biomedical model changes to social, psychological, and biomedical models, people’s understanding of the epidemic prevention process has undergone great changes. The prevention of epidemics is no longer a simple prevention and control of infectious diseases, but includes preventive health care such as public health management, infectious diseases, chronic disease prevention, and health education. This change has made the epidemic prevention station’s original work tasks, goals, methods, and organizational forms face an inconvenient situation.