A method for the process detection of the characteristic emission spectral intensity ratio of lead oxide (PbO) and lead sulfide (PbS) in the converter flame during copper smelting is described (a distinction is made between the slag stage and the copper production stage). Based on the characteristic emission spectra of known gas molecules, the existence of PbO and PbS in the measured spectra was confirmed. The field emission spectra of the main characteristic emission from the PbS were confirmed by field experiments. The main characteristic emission spectra from the copper . The relative changes in the emission spectral intensities of the PbO and PbS characteristics at the converter smelter provide a measure of the copper smelting process that can be used to distinguish between two distinct stages of the copper smelting process by making use of the ratio of the relative intensities of the characteristic emission spectra - Period) and the copper stage (B). During a complete coppermaking cycle, the flame emission spectra of the converter were collected using spectroscopic measurement equipment, and the PbO and PbS emission spectra after noise filtering were used in the process detection to accurately identify S phase and B phase. Both theory and experiment prove that the detection method based on the emission spectrum of copper smelting process is reliable.