新泽西网队取得它自1967年建队以来最辉煌的战绩,第一次以东区冠军的身份晋级总决赛。无论是新泽西的球迷或是网队的球员们,都因为这历史性的突破欢欣鼓舞。44号范·霍恩的欢呼说明了一切,此时什么也无法掩饰他们登上东区王座的喜悦。 网队本赛季的表现的确为人称道,不知是时势造英雄,还是英雄揭竿而起?很难想象只因为多了一个基德,网队居然脱胎换骨、一改从前任人欺凌的形象。这样说也许对同时到来的麦克洛什不太公平,或是忽视了本赛季摆脱伤病、生龙话虎的基特尔斯。但是,基德的确是让网队焕发活力的关键所在,他让这支球队成为一支众志成城的钢铁之师。对这样一支由丑小鸭变成天鹅,重新向世人展示东区尊严的球队,我们理应致以崇高的敬意。
The New Jersey Nets have made it the most brilliant record since its establishment in 1967, marking the first ever Eastern Conference championship. Both New Jersey fans and Nets players are rejoicing over this historic breakthrough. Van Horn’s 44 cheer shows everything, at this time nothing can hide their joy boarded the throne of the East. The Nets this season’s performance is indeed commendable, I do not know when the trend of making a hero, or a hero emerges? It is difficult to imagine just because of a Kidd, the Nets actually reborn, changed the image of former bully. It might be unfair to McClock on the same occasion, or to miss the season-old Kittles, who got rid of his injuries and was a no-brainer. However, Kidd is indeed the key to rejuvenating the Nets, he made the team an ambitious steel division. We deserve the highest respect for such a team that turns an ugly duckling into a swan and shows the world its dignity again.