【摘 要】
High mass resolution of sensors based on film bulk acoustic resonators (FBARs) is required for the detection of small molecules with the low concentration.An ac
【机 构】
Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Technology and Systems of Ministry of Education of China,Microsyste
High mass resolution of sensors based on film bulk acoustic resonators (FBARs) is required for the detection of small molecules with the low concentration.An active control scheme is presented to improve the mass resolution of the FBAR sensors by adding a feedback voltage onto the driving voltage between two electrodes of the FBAR sensors. The feedback voltage is obtained by giving a constant gain and a constant phase shift to the current on the electrodes of the FBAR sensors. The acoustic energy produced by the feedback voltage partly compensates the acoustic energy loss due to the material damping and the acoustic scattering, and thus improves the quality factor and the mass resolution of the FBAR sensors. An explicit expression relating to the impedance and the frequency for an FBAR sensor with the active control is derived based on the continuum theory by neglecting the influence of the electrodes. Numerical simulations show that the impedance of the FBAR sensor strongly depends on the gain and the phase shift of the feedback voltage, and the mass resolution of the FBAR sensor can greatly be improved when the appropriate gain and the phase shift of the feedback voltage are used. The active control scheme also provides an effective solution to improve the resolution of the quartz crystal microbalance (QCM).
中國梦引领着强军梦,强军梦也支撑着中国梦。在建设一支听党指挥、能打胜仗、作风优良的人民军队过程中,军旅舞蹈也在其中发挥着促进作用。中国的军旅舞蹈属于“当代舞”范畴,其中所体现的当代题材与角色、当代舞蹈语汇、当代精神价值等对实现“强军梦”的实现具有积极意义。一、军旅舞蹈对当代性的熔铸 自中国共产党建立以来,以歌舞形式来反映当下的战斗生活、鼓舞军民士气就一直是重要的宣传手段,当代专业部队舞蹈所呈现的
中医认为,肺属金,肝属木。肺主管着人体的呼吸功能。肺和肝的关系,表现在气的调节上,两者相互协调,全身气血才能调畅。“怒伤肝”,“怒则气上”,生气时气火循经上逆,肺脏受伤,可以出現胸肋部胀痛、咳嗽、面部发红,甚至呼吸急促困难等不适症状,也就是日常所说的“木火刑金”。导致脾胃不运 生气的情绪变化可通过神经内分泌途径影响胃十二指肠分泌、运动和黏膜血流的调节活动,从而诱发消化道溃疡等疾病。中医认为,肝木
Comparison and data analysis with the similarity measures and entropy for fuzzy sets were carried out.The distance proportional value between the fuzzy set and
2016年1月,朱佩娴在兰考县四村潘春婷“家”中采访她和她的母亲。为了创业,潘春婷把家中宅院改造成山药仓库和冷库,忙碌之时,她和母亲就睡在仓库。(霍亚平 摄) “过年,我们最忙!”2016年1月,临近年根儿,潘春婷却一刻停不下来。夜里10点半,她还在仓库点数着她的山药。“明天是年前最后一次发货,今晚得把网上订单的货全部备齐装箱,光北京就有80箱。”潘春婷语速很快,干活的速度更快。 在近200平