种草淹青养鱼,是合理利用鱼塘的空闲季节以池养池,增加饵料来源的重要途径。它具有不占良田、肥效好、产量高、成本低等优点,值得在生产中推广。鱼塘种草淹青养鱼的技术要点是:1 鱼种并塘越冬或成鱼起捕完毕后,迅速排干池塘积水,沿塘底四周开挖围沟,并按每隔2-3米的距离开挖中沟,将池水沥干。当淤泥呈半干半湿状态时即可撒播黑麦草种子,用种量2-2.5公斤/亩。播种后5-10天出苗,苗期生长缓慢,分蘖后生长较快,当气温回升到15℃以上时生长旺盛,群体株高50-80厘
The grass flooded fish, is the rational use of fish ponds in the free season pond pool, increase the source of feed an important way. It does not account for fertile land, good fertilizer, high yield, low cost, etc., it is worth promoting in production. Fish ponds grass submerged fish culture techniques are: 1 species of fish and ponds overwintering or adult fish after catching, drained the pond water quickly, dig around the pond around the ditch, and every 2-3 The distance between the excavation ditch, the pond drain. When the silt is semi-dry semi-wet state can be broadcast ryegrass seeds, with the amount of 2-2.5 kg / acre. Emergence 5-10 days after sowing, seedling growth slow, rapid growth after tillering, when the temperature rose to above 15 ℃ vigorous growth, population height 50-80%