谈到有关教育才能的时侯,不论是家长还是教师,都常常把这个问题和教育者的年龄,经验联系起来。当我是一个年青教师时,也曾这样想过:越是老教师,就越有才智,年青的教师当然比较缺乏经验。现在看来,这种认识也不一定是正确的。 战后困难时期,我在一所农村七年制学校上五年级时,班上来了一位年青的教生物的女教师奥克萨娜·阿尼西莫夫娜。她的生物课讲得很有趣,她的讲述常常把我们带进了生活,带进了大自然。她
When it comes to education, both parents and teachers often connect this issue with the age and experience of educators. When I was a young teacher, I also thought of it this way: the older teachers are, the more intelligent they are, and the younger teachers are certainly less experienced. It now seems that this understanding may not be correct either. During the difficult post-war years, I was in the fifth grade of a rural seven-year school with a young female teacher Oksana Anissimovna in class. Her biology class is very interesting, and her narration often brings us into life and into the nature. she was