利用保存在江西省麻类科学研究所“中国野生苎麻种质资源圃”中的野生种资源 1 6个种 3个变种共 80份材料 ,进行生长条件下的生育特性、经济性状、抗逆性等特征特性的观察鉴定 ,拓展其应用研究领域 ,为苎麻属野生种进一步在无融合生殖、品质改良、提高抗逆性等方面提供参考。
Using 80 materials of 16 species and 3 varieties of wild species, which were stored in “Chinese wild ramie germplasm resources garden” of Jiangxi Institute of Hemp Science, Jiangxi province, the characteristics of fertility, economic traits, stress resistance And other characteristics of the observation and identification, expand its areas of applied research, for the wild ramie species further in apomixis, quality improvement, improve resistance to provide a reference.