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团头鲂人工繁殖主要包括亲鱼培育、药物催产和人工孵化等几个阶段。一、亲鱼培育1.亲鱼来源与雌雄比例 在湖泊水库或池塘中捕捞成鱼时,可选留体质健壮,鳞、鳍完整,无病无伤的3龄以上个体做亲鱼,经过安全运输放入亲鱼培育池中,也可由鱼种选育而成。选留亲鱼时,要注意雌雄比例。要求雄鱼数量要略多于雌鱼,一般雌雄比例在1:1.5~2.5。雌雄鱼主要从胸鳍形状、珠星的多少和腹部大小来鉴别。2.亲鱼培育 当年春季收集的亲鱼,一般通过短期培育就能成熟,不论鱼池大小,单养或配养均可获得良好的效果,培育池的面积一般1亩左右,水深保持在1.2m,可放养100~150kg的团头鲂,并适当配养4~6尾鲢鱼,以调节水质。在早春时,团头鲂亲鱼经过越冬,体 Breeding 团 artificial breeding mainly include broodstock breeding, drug and artificial hatching several stages. First, the broodstock breeding 1 source of broodstock and the proportion of males and females in the lake reservoir or pond fishing, the optional physical health, scales, fin integrity, disease-free and non-injury of individuals over the age of 3 to do broodstock, after safe transport into Broodstock breeding pool, but also by fish breeding. When choosing a broodstock, pay attention to the male-female ratio. The number of males required slightly more than the female, the general male and female ratio of 1: 1.5 ~ 2.5. Male and female fish mainly from the shape of the pectoral fins, the number of beads and abdominal size to identify. 2. Broodstock breeding broodstock collected in the spring of that year, usually through short-term cultivation will be able to mature, regardless of the size of fish ponds, monoculture or breeding can get good results, cultivating pool area is generally about 1 acre, the water depth remained at 1.2m, Stocking 100 ~ 150kg bream, and appropriate 4 ~ 6 silver carp to regulate the water quality. In early spring, the bream fish through the winter, body
该课题通过5年的研究,对东海10多种主要捕捞对象的资源变化趋势及生物学和生态学特征进行分析和阐述,进而提出了渔业管理意见。其中某些资料如绿布氏筋鱼和拥剑梭子蟹 This
暗纹东方鱼屯 ,俗称河鱼屯 ,是一种名贵的江海洄游性鱼类 ,上世纪九十年代初就被开发为淡水养殖的新品种 ,如今已得到大面积的推广 ,尤其是在长江中下游地区已形成比较完善的