本刊讯(特约通讯员陈世平)今年春节期间,东山县生产的黑珍珠莲雾颇受消费者青睐,成了市场上的抢手货,热销漳州、福州、厦门等地。在东山县,不仅所产黑珍珠莲雾果实美观、色泽鲜艳、肉质脆嫩、果汁清甜,而且已实现了一年四季都有黑珍珠莲雾果实上市。据悉,1997年,台商苏明家来到东山县创业,引种台湾黑珍珠莲雾,在山口村沙滩上建立了台湾黑珍珠莲雾果园约15 hm2。经过多年努力,采取改良土
Benxi hearing (special correspondent Chen Shiping) during the Spring Festival this year, Dongshan County popular black pearl lotus popular consumers, became the market’s hot commodity, selling Zhangzhou, Fuzhou, Xiamen and other places. In Dongshan County, not only produced black pearl lotus fruit beautiful, bright color, fleshy crisp, sweet fruit juice, and has achieved a year all the black Pearl lotus fruit market. It is reported that in 1997, the Taiwanese business community Su Ming came to Dongshan County venture, the introduction of Taiwan black pearl lotus mist, in the mouth of the village of Taiwan set up a black pearl lotus orchard in Taiwan about 15 hm2. After many years of hard work, we must improve soil