橡胶产业是衡水市桃城区的传统特色产业 ,萌芽于上世纪60年代 ,起步于70年代 ,发展于80年代 ,壮大于90年代 ,至今已有近40年的发展历史。2002年底 ,全区橡胶产业完成总产值12亿元 ,约占全国同行业的1/5 ,其中工程橡胶产值完成7 5亿元 ,实现利税2 7亿元。全区拥有各类橡胶生产经
The rubber industry is the traditional peculiar industry in Taocheng District, Hengshui City. It began in the 1960s and started in the 1970s. It developed in the 1980s and grew up in the 1990s. So far, it has nearly 40 years of development history. By the end of 2002, the rubber industry in the region had a total output value of 1.2 billion yuan, accounting for 1/5 of the same trade in the whole country. The output value of engineering rubber reached 7.5 billion yuan and profits and taxes 2.7 billion yuan. The region has all kinds of rubber production by