番茄具有喜水、需水量大、耐旱能力强的特点 ,据总结有关实践经验 ,棚(室)番茄的浇水技术要点如下 :一、必须按不同生育期特点进行浇水一般情况下 ,番茄边定植边浇水 ,浇定植水后3~5天再浇一次缓苗水 ,一直到第一穗果座住如蛋黄大小时再浇一次。结果前期定植较小 ,叶面蒸?
Tomato with hi water, water demand, drought tolerance and strong features, according to summing up the relevant practical experience, shed (room) tomato watering techniques are as follows: First, must be characterized by different characteristics of the growth period Under normal circumstances, tomato While planting edge watering, pouring water plants after 3 to 5 days and then pour a Huanmiao water, until the first spike to live like a yolk size and then poured again. The results of early colonization is small, steamed leaves?