陈富清,浙江宁波市慈溪博浩园园主。2009年初次接触到盆景,对盆景之爱一发不可收拾,短短几年时间里,访名园,探名师,广交盆友,善结盆缘,陈富清先生对盆景之喜爱从零起步,数年间就收藏、创作各类盆景近千盆,数次参加全国及浙江省盆景展,博浩盆景园收藏的盆景展露头角,陈富清先生也被盆景界人所熟知。陈富清先生待人坦诚,甘于奉献,201 1年开始先后担任慈溪市盆景协会会长、宁波市盆景协会会长等职务,为推动慈溪、宁波盆景事业的发展贡献顿多。自201 1年赴日本参观在高松举办的亚太盆景展后,陈富清先生对中日盆景优劣及差
Chen Fuqing, Ningbo, Zhejiang Cixi Bo Hao Garden Park. In 2009 the first contact with bonsai, bonsai of love out of control, just a few years time, visiting the park, explorer, GUANG friends, good knot margin, Mr. Chen Fuqing love of bonsai from scratch, A few years to collect, create all kinds of bonsai nearly a thousand pots, several times to participate in the national and bonsai exhibition in Zhejiang Province, Bo Hao Bonsai garden bonsai showcasing tops, Mr. Chen Fuqing also been well-known person in the bonsai. Mr. Chen Fuqing treats others candidly and willingly, since 2011 he has successively served as president of Bonsai Association of Cixi City and president of Ningbo Bonsai Association, and contributed more to the development of Bonsai in Cixi and Ningbo. After going to Japan to visit the Asia-Pacific Bonsai Exhibition held in Takamatsu in 201 1, Mr. Chen Fuqing expressed his opinion about the advantages and disadvantages of the Sino-Japanese bonsai