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英语自主合作学习有利于学生主体地位的发挥,有利于促进英语的学习效果。教师在课堂教学中应该做到有的放矢,利用一切可行方式激发学生的兴趣,引发自主学习、合作学习。近年来,在学校“我型我秀,幸福课堂”课题的指导下,积极探索和实践“自主合作学习”的学习方式,在培养学生学习英语的兴趣、激发学生学习热情、提升学生学习幸福感等方面取得了较好的效果。就“自主合作学习”的意义,以及在实践过程中采取的具体做法进行阐述。 Cooperative English learning is conducive to the students play a dominant position, is conducive to promoting English learning. Teachers in the classroom teaching should be targeted, using all possible ways to stimulate student interest, triggering autonomous learning, cooperative learning. In recent years, under the guidance of the subject of “My Model, I Class, Happy Classroom”, I actively explore and practice the learning style of “independent cooperative learning” to cultivate students ’interest in learning English and stimulate students’ enthusiasm in learning and promotion Students learn happiness and achieved good results. The significance of “autonomous cooperative learning ” and the specific practices adopted in the process of practice are described.
介绍木麻黄小枝水培容器苗培育技术的发展历程及其优缺点,着重阐述了水培苗培育和容器苗移植的技术要点,同时阐明了水培容器苗造林必须注意的事项。 This paper introduces th