欧洲煤钢联营为开发RedsmeltNST炼铁新技术 ,在意大利建造、测试示范设备。该设备主要处理钢铁企业的含铁副产品 ,设计产能 5t/h。这套示范设备计划于 2 0 0 2年 1 0月投入使用。Redsmelt基于两种成熟的工业技术 ,即转底炉煤基直接还原技术和用DRI生产
The European coal-mining consortium is to develop a new RedsmeltNST technology for the construction and testing of demonstration equipment in Italy. The equipment mainly deals with iron-bearing by-products of iron and steel enterprises with a design capacity of 5t / h. The demonstration equipment is scheduled to come into operation in October 2002. Redsmelt is based on two proven industrial technologies, namely rotary hearth coal-based direct reduction technology and DRI production