
来源 :中国税务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jtfcyy
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三、具体税收优惠政策财税[2012]27号文件从四个方面明确了进一步支持软件产业和集成电路产业发展的企业所得税优惠政策。具体包括定期减免税、优惠税率、加速折旧摊销等专项优惠政策。(一)定期减免税规定1.集成电路线宽小于0.8微米(含)的集成电路生产企业,经认定后,在2017年12月31日前自获利年度起计算优惠期,第一年至第二年免征企业所得税,第 Third, the specific tax incentives Tax [2012] Document No. 27 from four aspects of a clear support for the software industry and the integrated circuit industry, corporate income tax preferential policies. Including regular tax breaks, preferential tax rates, accelerated depreciation and amortization and other special preferential policies. (I) Periodic deduction and exemption requirements 1. Integrated circuit manufacturers with ICs less than 0.8 micrometer in line width (inclusive) shall, after determination, calculate the preferential period from the year of profit-making by December 31, 2017, the first year to the Two years exempt from enterprise income tax, the first
【编者按】  当下完全可以用狄更斯一句耳熟能详的名言来形容民营医院的当前处境:这是一个极好的时代,也是一个极坏的时代。政策的开放和消费者消费意识的转变给了民营医院更多的机会,今年以来各家民营医院、医疗机构都开始心思活络,纷纷扩大规模,颇有大干一场之势。然而医疗界长期以来的沉疴痼疾并不是一朝一夕能够治愈,民营医院的问题也绝不是简单一两个角度就能说清的。当值年底年初,高管、人才离职跳槽,跳进来和跳出去