本研究旨在确定高粱籽粒单宁特性的遗传模式。材料与方法 1977年从世界高粱中心选择57个农艺性状适宜、无亲缘关系的近交品系,种植在美国普杜大学农场中。对熟期相近而单宁含量不同的品系进行人工杂交。从13个杂交
The aim of this study was to determine the genetic pattern of tannin traits in sorghum. MATERIALS AND METHODS In 1977, 57 inbred lines with suitable agronomic traits and non-related inbred lines were selected from the World Sorghum Center and planted on the Puddles farm in the United States. On the similar maturity and tannin content of different lines artificial hybridization. From 13 crosses