满江红(Azolla)是水生蕨类植物满江红与能固氮的满江红鱼腥藻(Anabaena azollae)的共生体。其叶片中有一个叶腔,叶腔中有腔液及满江红鱼腥藻。萍藻间的物质交换是研究萍藻共生关系的焦点之一。鱼腥藻生活在满江红叶腔的腔液中,腔液应该是两者物质交换的媒介。研究萍藻间的氮化物交换的途径之一是分析腔液中氮化物的成分与含量。但是由于实验方法和实验材料的限制,这种试验至今尚未见报道。本文报道这方
Azolla is an intergrowth of aquatic fern Azolla and nitrogen-fixing Anabaena azollae. There is a leaf chamber in its leaves, cavities in the leaf cavity, and Anabaena variabilis. The exchange between Ping algae is one of the focuses of the study on the symbiotic relationship of Pinggu algae. Anabaena living in the cavity of the cavity of the liquid Jiang, cavity fluid should be the medium of exchange between the two substances. One of the ways to study the nitrification exchange between Pinggu algae is to analyze the composition and content of nitrides in the cavity solution. However, due to the limitations of experimental methods and experimental materials, this test has not been reported so far. This article covers this side