全力创建学习型组织 促进企业可持续发展——全国\\"示范单位\\"上海铁路局杭州铁路分局\\"创争\\"活动纪实

来源 :中国职工教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maidouqaz
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为了加快职工队伍知识化进程,促进企业持续发展,从2000年初开始,杭州铁路分局对创建学习型组织作了一些探索。四年来,先后经历了读书自学活动功能转型,起步探索;调查分析,开展试点;全面启动,分层实施三个阶段。目前,分局重点掌握和确认的站段级创建点7个、车间级创建点22个、班组级创建点286个,呈现出“分层实施,点面结合,有序推进,动态发展”的良好态势。 In order to speed up the process of knowledge of the workforce and promote the sustainable development of enterprises, Hangzhou Railway Branch made some explorations on establishing a learning organization from the beginning of 2000. In the past four years, it has undergone the functional transformation of reading self-study activities, started the exploration, investigated and analyzed, conducted pilot projects, and started and layeredly implemented the three phases. At present, the branch office mainly grasps and confirms that there are 7 station-level creation points, 22 workshop-level creation points and 286 team-level creation points, showing a “layered implementation with a combination of points and areas, an orderly promotion and a dynamic development” Good situation.