Minors are vulnerable groups and have been protected for this purpose. We hereby have a special minors protection law, set up special agencies concerned with the NGO, such as the Children’s Department of the Women’s Federation, and the courts also ad hoc juvenile courts ... Protect minors at all levels and protect their legal rights and interests. However, judging from the number of juvenile violence cases appearing on the Internet over the past year or so, there are also strong individuals in the disadvantaged groups who cruelly brutalize children who are weaker than themselves and slap their ears, feet and smoke , Pa clothes, and even a few people beaten. In the face of the victim’s mercy and screams, the perpetrators are not only indifferent, but also take pictures while laughing and playing, the heart of the cold, to the extent of cold-blooded! However, is such a violent man, after causing serious physical and psychological damage to others often do not We should not forget that these young children come together in displeasure? In protecting their legitimate rights and interests at the same time what steps should be taken to discipline them? The most important point, How to prevent these children from becoming bullies?