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在当今资本主义发达国家中,生产的集中和垄断趋势与中小企业的活跃和继续发展是并行不悖的。大中小企业在经济发展中各自担负着不同的使命。中小型企业通常在创造就业机会、增加出口收入、丰富市场、活跃经济等方面起着重要的作用。因受到现代化能力、营销研究和人力、财力等因素的制约,与大企业相比面临更多、更大的挑战。因此,在当今世界各国,中小企业的发展问题都倍受政府的重视。据有关部门统计,我国8万多个国有工业企业中,小企业有6.6万个,占82.6%。研究国外中小企业的发展问题,对我国深化中小企业改革具有现实意义。本刊连载美国、加拿大、日本、意大利等国促进中小型企业发展的一些成功经验,以飨读者,希各界对中小企业改革再献良策。 In today’s capitalist developed countries, the concentration and monopoly of production trends go hand-in-hand with the active and continuing development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Dazhong Xiao enterprises in the economic development of their respective shoulders a different mission. Small and medium-sized enterprises usually play an important role in creating employment opportunities, increasing export revenues, enriching markets and stimulating the economy. Due to the ability of modernization, marketing research and human and financial resources and other factors, compared with large enterprises are facing more and greater challenges. Therefore, in all countries in the world today, the development problems of small and medium-sized enterprises are much valued by the government. According to statistics from relevant departments, there are 66,000 small and medium enterprises in more than 80,000 state-owned industrial enterprises in our country, accounting for 82.6%. Studying the development of foreign SMEs has practical significance for deepening the reform of SMEs in our country. The publication contains some successful experiences of promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the United States, Canada, Japan, Italy and other countries.
最近读书,觉得有三篇序言很值得关注,写下来与大家共享。这三篇序言有一个共同点:诚邀学术批评。梁启超著有《清代学者整理旧学之总成绩》,该书的“绪言”(1924)中 Recently
我是出了名的“小馋猫”。一天,伯父打电话来,神秘地说:“周末到我家吃好东西,你们肯定没吃过。”伯父的话吊足了我的胃口。 终于熬到了周末,我们来到伯父家。一进门我就“开
我的家乡在平湖,西瓜是家乡的特产。阳光明媚的春天,农民伯伯满怀希望地把种子撒进泥土里,然后给它们施肥、松土,就像妈妈照顾小宝宝一样,精心呵护。 My hometown in Pinghu