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  My first memory about the starry sky was inextricably1 accompanied by the warm summer breeze. In the yard I was lying on the rocking chair cooled by my grandpa’s waving palm-leaf fan, which lulled me into dreams with the comforting smell of Nature.2 No little elf3 would ever dare to scramble onto my brows and breathe blue stories to me, so the stages of my adventures were always colored with peaceful paint. The starry sky served as the curtain that rose gently before the drama. Utterly ignorant of my own existence, neither did I have any idea what solitude was.
  As I was getting older, the starry sky no longer settled for the role of simply marking the commencement4 of something visionary. It began to make the stage for itself. At first the stars caught my attention merely by chance, but soon the shimmering patterns on the vast dome above began to make sense.5 The brightest one was the Pole Star. The W-shaped constellation was Cassiopeia.6 I was also able to make numerous different artistic pieces out of the random combinations. Finally, there was something that kept me spellbound7. With love and reverence8 for all, I lived and appreciated without any hint of solitude.
  When I was old enough to reach the bookshelf, the stars gradually faded from sight. I started the exploration in the kaleidoscopic9 world that was completely strange to me. Even in the fairy tales, people were in perpetual conflict as their only concern was writing their own stories. Some reveled in holding others in bondage and felt justified enjoying the profits their hostages produced.10 Others indulged in the shadowy muddle and evaded so unaffectedly from all the responsibilities.11 I had thought all those creations were just in pages, but it later turned out that the real world also showed little sign of tolerance and inclusivity as displayed in the starry sky. Everyone had been isolated. The unprecedented feeling of solitude struck me like a doomed lightening stroke.
本文成文于筆者大二暑假,灵感来自阅读爱默生的《论自然》(Nature)一文和罗素自传的前言《我为何而生》(Three Passions I Have Lived for)。标题化用自英国诗人迪伦·托马斯的《不要温和地走进那个良夜》(Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night)及《论自然》的开篇第一句:To go into solitude, a man needs to retire as much from his chamber as from society.

  In my post adolescence, I have unwillingly found out the fact that we were born with solitude and never able to get rid of it. Yet solutions prevail and vary among people. Cowards hide it with head in the sand. Martyrs12 carry it into their tombs. But none of the human relationships, contractual or consanguineous,13 can make the cure for it, and nor are they from our free will. Most of the time, we are unwittingly14 forced to play certain roles without any substantial involvement. And if we delved too deep into the roles, life would become such an illusion of predestined segments.15 Would solitude really vanish16 if what was left were just several solitary souls locked by an illusory embrace? No. We would still be completely alone and isolated because of our everlasting burning desire for freedom, but perhaps accidentally, freedom means solitude.   Now it is high time that solitude should be accepted wholeheartedly, for it does not offer me a fool’s paradise, but exhorts me to reflect on humanity, to sustain the craving for knowledge,17 and to draw a distinction between good and evil so I shall not get lost in the mysterious fog we call opportunity or temptation. That’s when I realize it necessary to go into solitude, the very magic that has been lulling me to dreams under the starry sky since the summer night when I was too little to realize it. And I will go gentle, for I am not intended to make another bondage-holder or muddlehappy soul.
  1. inextricably: 密不可分地,緊密相连地。
  2. rocking chair: 摇椅;palm-leaf fan: 芭蕉扇;lull: 使入睡,使安静。
  3. elf: 小精灵。
  4. commencement: 开始,开端。
  5. shimmering: 闪闪发光的;dome: 穹顶。
  6. constellation: 星座;Cassiopeia:仙后座。
  7. spellbound: 入迷的,出神的。
  8. reverence: 尊敬,崇敬。
  9. kaleidoscopic: 千变万化的,万花筒似的。
  10. 一些人陶醉于束缚他人,心安理得地享受他人创造的利益。revel in: 陶醉于,着迷于;hostage: 人质。
  11. 而另一些则纵情于阴暗的泥淖,自发地逃避所有责任。indulged in:(使自己)沉湎于;shadowy:幽暗的;muddle: 混乱,杂乱;unaffectedly: 自然地。
  12. martyr: 烈士,殉道者。
  13. contractual: 契约的 consanguineous: 血缘的。
  14. unwittingly: 不知不觉地。
  15. delve: 探究,钻研;predestined: 命定的。
  16. vanish: 消失不见。
  17. fool’s paradise: 虚幻的幸福;exhort: 激励,敦促;craving: 渴望,渴求。
提要:众多中式餐饮企业选择规模化扩张时,都对资金有着迫切需求,因此它们也成为风险投资的下一个淘金地,“中国人别的可能不行,吃肯定是可以的。”    真功夫餐饮连锁董事长蔡达标俨然已成为“空中飞人”,因为他一周内要飞好几个城市考察市场。  记者见到蔡达标时,他刚从广州飞赴北京。蔡达标本不善言谈,但是在谈起餐饮业时却神采飞扬,“中国餐饮连锁业现在处于最好的发展时期。”他兴奋地对《中国新时代》说。  2
如果你只有一个周末的时间去尼亚加拉地区,该怎么玩?听听本文的建议,大致了解该地区都有什么好玩的,你一定会觉得此行终生难忘!无论你是与家人、朋友或是爱侣同行,尼亚加拉瀑布地区都能为你提供丰富多彩、老少皆宜的游玩项目    第一天 白天    首日行程,搭乘尼亚加拉直升飞机飞越瀑布,体验惊险刺激,俯瞰瀑布美景。  直升飞机起飞后,沿河飞行,进入尼亚加拉瀑布主景区。漩涡高空缆车(Whirlpool Ae
连续6年业绩翻番的太子奶已经创造了一个商业奇迹,但掌门人李途纯再次立下豪言——“十年之后,1000亿的年销售额是太子奶集团一定要实现的目标。”    “送礼就送太子奶!”2008年春节期间,央视及各省级卫视播出了太子奶的最新形象广告。  继“脑白金”、恒源祥的生肖广告之后,太子奶似乎也参与到媒体广告轰炸的阵营之中。  其实,1998年,太子奶集团就曾经以8888万元的价格夺得中央电视台的广告标王,
从芬兰的赫尔辛基到意大利的那不勒斯,从英国的伦敦到西班牙的巴塞罗那,眼下圣诞节集市的热度节节攀升,人们从四面八方涌来,沐浴浓浓的乡土风情和节日气氛,重温昔日那些虽没有炫目的现代电子玩意儿却淳朴清新的老集市的味道    圣诞集市起源于北欧,在德国和中欧国家非常流行。过去,一年之中最重要的购物时节是11月11日的圣马丁节(Saint Martin’s)。在那一天,人们宰杀肥猪,畅饮当年新酿的葡萄酒和为
2014年4月16日,四川涼山西昌。王帅背着20多斤的装备爬悬崖时,脚下一滑,掉下了山崖。一瞬间,他抓住了这棵并不粗的树枝。消防战士在拯救森林的同时,往往也在被森林拯救。  “有时候,时间似乎可以抚平一切。”  2018年,重回都江堰,程雪力这样写道。上一次来到这里,是10年前参加汶川地震救援。那年他20岁,是一个扑火的兵,已在凉山做了大半年森林消防员。从震区回来,他用4个月津贴买了一台傻瓜相机。
商业伦理(Business Ethics),也称企业伦理(Enterprise Ethics),是关于企业及其成员行为的规范,以及关于怎样正确处理企业及其成员与利益相关者(包括企业主、员工、顾客、供应商、竞争者、政府、社区等)关系的规范。不仅企业,凡是与经营有关的组织都包含有伦理问题。只要由人组成的集合体在进行经营活动时,在本质上始终都存在着伦理问题。一个有道德的企业应当重视人性,不与社会发生冲突
京城白领丝绸消费调查结果  根据中国丝绸协会对部分企业的统计,去年1-10月份,163家丝类企业丝产量为20136吨,同比下降30.84%;38家织绸企业生产绸缎9719万米,同比增长14.68%。据初步估计,全年丝产量为12.06万吨,同比下降10%左右    据海关统计,2009年1-10月份真丝商品出口额达24.1亿美元,同比下降20.22%。丝绸产量的下降及出口额的减少,预示着丝绸内销市场
记者在位于北京东南四环的林达海渔广场等待片刻之后,李晓林如约而至,他刚刚参加完下午的分组讨论。李晓林告诉记者,今年他提了四个提案,其中两个涉及到房地产行业,另两个是关于公益事业的。其中关于房地产方面的提案分别为:建议将土地出让收入交由中央统一管理,以抑制地方政府的卖地冲动;以及建议适当放宽对于商业地产投资的限制。  “今年两会关于房地产市场的提案特别多,对相关话题的讨论也很激烈,出什么招的都有。代
“置身于一个商业的环境中,感受到自己是个商人。”于仁国回忆在IE的生活时感慨说,在那里,大家谈论的是国际形势,经济发展等;而在清华,觉得自己只是个学生,“今天吃什么,学校怎么样”,是大家关注的话题    在西班牙马德里金融区的中心,人们会看到一所别具一格的大学——IE商学院(Instituto de Empresa)。这是欧洲著名的商学院之一,以培养具有创新精神且具备全球化视野的企业家为目标。看看
今年两会开幕的前夕,刘永好像往年一样召集媒体座谈。距开会还有半小时,北京贡院9号的会客厅内就已坐满了各家媒体的记者,工作人员不时搬来椅子。下午4点,刘永好准时现身,媒體立即一片骚动。  与往年不同,今年刘永好不再是一人出面,他身边多了央视主持人芮成钢。刘永好则依旧是一身黑色西装搭配敞口的白色衬衫,面带微笑。善做类比,不屑套话,痛快利落是刘永好的谈话风格。  此次刘带来了六个提案,其中四个是关于三农