湘潭县射埠区从1984年以来,在湘莲田养鱼39000多亩次,共产鲜成鱼1500余吨,培养鱼种4600余万尾,莲田养鱼收入600多万元。这个区的旺冲乡白水村大冲小组刘述修,前2年共利用2.9亩湘莲田套养草、鲢、鳙、鳊、鲤、鲫等多类鱼种28460尾,总产鲜鱼292.5公斤,出售鱼种22150尾,总收入2409.75元,除去鱼苗和饲料成本,获纯利2313.15元,亩平797.5元。加上出售莲籽和藕种等产品,每亩产值超千元。莲田套养鱼的具体作法是: 一、选择和修整莲田。养鱼莲田要选择水源充足,水质清新,无污染,排灌方便,大水不淹,天旱不涸,抗洪抗旱力较强的田块。注意将田埂加高培厚成50—60厘米高、30厘米宽的大田埂。水源注
Xiangpu County port area since 1984, more than 39,000 acres of fish in Xianlian Tian, communal fresh fish more than 1,500 tons, cultivating more than 4600 species of fish, lotus fish farming more than 600 million revenue. In the first 2 years, a total of 28,460 fish of various species including silver carp, bighead carp, bighead carp, carp and crucian carp were used in 2.9 hectares in Xianliantian, 292.5 kg of fresh fish were produced, 22,150 fish tail sales, with a total income of 2409.75 yuan, remove fry and feed costs, net profit of 2313.15 yuan, 797.5 yuan per mu. Coupled with the sale of lotus seeds and lotus root and other products, per mu output value of over a thousand dollars. Lotus field set of fish practice is: First, select and trim Lotus field. Aquaculture lotus to choose adequate water, fresh water, no pollution, irrigation and drainage convenience, flooding, drought does not dry up, strong flood resistance and drought resistance plots. Pay attention to Tian 埂 heightening training into 50-60 cm high, 30 cm wide Daejeon 埂. Water Note