Improvement of Computation Method of Fault Motion Coordination Ratio and Analysis of Earthquake Case

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenshu541775136
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According to the concept of the fault motion coordination ratio( FCR),this paper discusses the effect of the starting point on the result of FCR calculation and puts forward the calculation method for FCR using the sliding window and the index for evaluating the dispersion. Earthquake cases analysis shows that at the Lijiang site across the fault: the FCR value varied greatly and its distribution was dispersive before the MS7. 0 Lijiang earthquake,while the value was stable and less dispersive after the earthquake,which reflects the strain accumulation of the fault during the seismogenic process and the poor movement coordination between the motion of the three components. After the earthquake,the fault was in a free activity state,the accumulated strain energy released, and the movement of the three components was coordinated mutually. At present,FCR dispersion of Lijiang is at a low value,and fault strain accumulation is at a low level. According to the concept of the fault motion coordination ratio (FCR), this paper discusses the effect of the starting point on the result of FCR calculation and puts forward the calculation method for FCR using the sliding window and the index for evaluating the dispersion. cases analysis shows that at the Lijiang site across the fault: the FCR value varied greatly and its distribution was dispersive before the MS7. 0 Lijiang earthquake, while the value was stable and less dispersive after the earthquake, which reflects the strain accumulation of the fault during the seismogenic process and the poor movement coordination between the motion of the three components. After the earthquake, the fault was in a free activity state, the fault was in a free activity state, the movement of the three components was coordinated mutually. At present, FCR dispersion of Lijiang is at a low value, and fault strain accumulation is at a low level.
目前,我国逐渐由计划经济型社会转向市场经济型社会,从而使得人们的思想、心理结构与价值观念等各方面都发生了改变;而大学生作为未来社会的接班人,对未来社会事业的发展起到重要作用,为此他们目前的思想政治观念也需加以完善,因为只有具备良好的思想政治观念才能为国家的发展做贡献,所以高校要加强大学生思想政治教育,并积极探索大学生思想政治教育工作的新方法。   当前时期,我国由计划经济型社会逐渐的转向市场经济
In this paper the method of combining the Bursa model to integrate several regional time series to derive a unified global time series is introduced in detail.
摘 要: 语文是一门综合性的学科,初中语文课堂教学是一个复杂的教学过程。课堂教学是教学过程的中心环节,是学生接受知识的重要途径,初中语文课堂教学的效率直接影响学生的学习兴趣和学习结果。本文分析了影响初中语文课堂教学有效性的因素,并提出了提高初中语文课堂教学有效性的策略。  关键词: 初中语文 课堂教学 有效性  随着课程教学改革的不断深入,初中语文课堂教学呈现出一些良好态势,但与此同时,也出现了与
一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.  1. 有6名男医生、5名女医生,从中选出2名男医生、1名女医生组成一个医疗小组,则不同的选法共有( )  A. 60种B. 70种 C. 75种 D. 150种  2. 设函数f(x)=x-■■,x0时, f[f(x)]表达式的展开式中常数项为( )  A. -20 B. 20 C. -15 D. 15  3. 六个人从左至右排成一行,最左端只
摘 要: 阅读与写作是初中语文教学的两大重要组成部分,阅读与写作并不是相互独立的,读写结合是当前初中语文教学中所推崇的教学方法之一。在阅读中发现写作素材,学会设计文章结构,通过对阅读内容的仿写和扩写,提高学生的遣词造句能力和语言表达能力。  关键词: 阅读 写作 读写结合 初中语文教学实践  阅读和写作是初中语文教学的两大主要板块,阅读是学生认识世界、获取信息的重要渠道,通过阅读,学生不仅可以提高
在高中阶段,地理课是一门比较难学的科目,主要是學生对它的学习兴趣不高,加之有些内容空洞,不容易读懂,而地理课又是不能不学的科目,因此,文章提出在地理课堂上运用创新思维进行教学的方法。在地理课堂上,激发学生创造性思维的发展,为创新思维发展提供更大的空间和更直观的教学情境,培养学生创新思维的能力。   在新课程改革中,主要注重学生的积极参与和主动学习,而学生作为学习的主体,其主体地位能否得到体现,关
一、体育与健康课的教学新体系  应以提高学生的身心健康水平为宗旨,与德、智、美等各育有机结合,促进学生身心全面发展。新课程确立的体育与健康课程目标体系,明确规定了以下课程总体标准:①增强体能,掌握和应用基本的体育与健康知识和运动技能;②培养运动的兴趣和爱好,形成坚持锻炼的习惯;③具有良好的心理品质,表现出人际交往的能力和合作精神;④提高对个人健康和群体健康的责任感,形成健康的生活方式;⑤发扬体育精