In this paper, 15 cases of multiple myeloma nephropathy found that all have proteinuria, 4 cases showed nephrotic syndrome, so proteinuria is one of the main features of the disease. Including proteinuria in 6 cases, pyuria, tubular urine in 5 cases, complicated by pyelonephritis in 2 cases. There are 3 cases of proteinuria as the first symptom, misdiagnosed as chronic nephritis, 2 cases of acute renal failure, and misdiagnosed as chronic nephritis uremia, misdiagnosis rate was 33%. Urine coagulation protein positive in 14 cases. Multiple myeloma nephropathy anemia, hypercalcemia, hyperuricemia, serum globulin and immunoglobulin increased the disease is another more prominent feature. This article at the same time and the main symptoms of proteinuria, renal insufficiency, renal tubular dysfunction, urinary tract infection mechanism and influencing factors and differential diagnosis to explore.