重庆某预备役高炮团后勤和装备处处长李文华,入伍20年,5次被评为优秀共产党员,2次荣立三等功。他在不同的岗位上把工作当事业干,用行动书写对党的忠诚,成为岗位上的“行家里手”。 “干事业就要加强学习,只有不断提高自身素质,才能打赢明天的战争” 2005年初,李文华被调到重庆某预备役团任通信股长。以前,他学的是炮兵专业,通信可是个陌生的领域。攻坚不怕难,李文华边学边干。一天,李文华受领团作战指挥中心、机关局域网的建设任务,立即带着股
Li Wenhua, director of logistics and equipment department of an artillery regiment of a reservist in Chongqing, enlisted in the army for 20 years, was awarded outstanding communist party five times and won third place for two times. He devoted his work to different positions, wrote his loyalty to the party with his actions, and became his “expert” in his position. “Work is necessary to strengthen learning, and only continue to improve their own qualities in order to win tomorrow’s war ” In early 2005, Li Wenhua was transferred to a reserve corps of Chongqing as communications chief. Previously, he studied artillery, communication is a strange field. Not afraid of difficulties, Li Wenhua learn while doing. One day, Li Wenhua received command of the operational command center, the construction of the local area network tasks, immediately with shares