“我爱出镜”栏目开播以来,收到了很多热心读者的来信和留言,感谢大家的热情参与以及对“我爱出镜”栏目的支持。为了满足广大热心读者的出镜愿望,我们的出镜人物将不受主题和时间限制,您可以随时将您希望展示的照片发送给我们,我们会根据图片内容及时整理刊登出来。参与方式:请您提供数码彩色照片一张,并留下您的姓名、所在城市、联系电话、图片说明或感言等相关信息,主题不限,发送至[email protected],邮件主题请注明“我爱出镜”栏目收。为了保证出镜效果,请您发送大小为500K以上的照片,展现魅力身影,分享精彩时刻,“我爱出镜”栏目期待您的参与。(说明:您的联系电话不会作为出镜内容刊登在杂志上,仅为与您联系使用。)
“I love appearance ” column began broadcasting, received a lot of enthusiastic readers of the letter and message, thank you for the enthusiastic participation and “I love appearance ” section of the support. In order to meet the majority of enthusiastic readers wishful thinking, our appearances will be subject to the theme and time constraints, you can feel free to send the photos you want to display to us, we will be based on the contents of the picture and timely sorting out. Participation: Please provide a digital color photo, and leave your name, city, contact phone, picture description or testimonials and other related information, subject is not limited, sent to [email protected], e-mail subject please specify “I love appearance ” column received. In order to ensure the appearance of the mirror effect, please send the size of 500K above photos, show the charm figure, share moments, “I love appearance ” column look forward to your participation. (Note: Your contact number will not appear in the magazine as a mirror, just to contact you.)