诈病常常是法医学鉴定中涉及的问题,尤其在精神病方面更加多见,因为有的犯罪分子为了逃避罪责和刑罚,往往有意伪装成精神病状态。现介绍一例如下: 被告人方谷辉,男,23岁,社员。因盗窃耕牛,一九八二年六月十八日被判处有期徒刑三年。他在被拘留期间,曾两次将饭菜倒在地上,用手抓食。捕后,连续三天拒食,第四天起食无饱足,除吃完自己的一份外,还抢食同监犯人的。他时而自言自语,哭笑无常;时而裸体独坐,一言不发,时而狂躁不安,日夜
Fraudulent disease is often a problem involved in forensic appraisal, especially in the area of psychosis, as some criminals tend to disguise themselves as mentally ill in order to evade their guilt and punishment. Here is an example is as follows: The defendant Fang Guihui, male, 23 years old, member. He was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of three years on June 18, 1982, for cattle theft. During his detention, he had twice poured food on the ground and grasped it by hand. After the arrest, refused to eat for three consecutive days, the fourth day of food without adequate food, in addition to eating a copy of their own, but also snatch the same prisoners. He sometimes talkative, dumbfounding; occasionally naked, silent, sometimes irritable, day and night