农业生态学是研究农业生物群体与其环境之间的相互关系,并协调生物与环境,以获得最多最优的生物产品,而又能维持自然资源永续合理利用和发展的一门综合性科学。农业生态密切受人类的干预,也可以说是一种人工生态学。 农业生态系统不仅有生物组成(动物、植物、微生物)和环境条件组成(光、热、水、气、土等),还包括人类生产活动和社会政治经济条件。它是这些复杂因素组成的统一体。人类生活和生产活动可以引起生态系统发生变化,反过来,生态系统的变化又对人
Agroecology is a comprehensive science that studies the interrelationship between agro-biomes and their environment and coordinates biology and environment in order to obtain the most optimal biological products while maintaining the sustainable use and development of natural resources. Agro-ecology closely interfered by human beings, it can be said is a kind of artificial ecology. The agroecosystem includes not only biological composition (animals, plants, microorganisms) and environmental conditions (light, heat, water, gas and soil) but also human activities and socio-political and economic conditions. It is the unity of these complex elements. Human life and production activities can cause changes in the ecosystem, in turn, changes in ecosystems and people