患者 ,女 ,6 8岁 ,系因原发性血小板减少性紫癜遵照医嘱予长春新碱针 2 mg化注于生理盐水 2 0 m L中静脉推注。当班护士细心选择了患者左手肘窝处外横径较粗的血管 ,穿刺顺利 ,并以 10 m L生理盐水作给药前后静脉冲洗 ,10 m L生理盐水作长春新碱针的溶剂静脉推注。推注中局部无
The patient, female, 68 years old, was given intravenous injection of vincristine 2 mg intravenously according to doctor’s advice due to essential thrombocytopenic purpura in saline. On-duty nurses carefully selected the blood vessels outside the left elbow cubital diameter of the larger diameter, puncture smooth, and to 10 m L saline before and after administration of intravenous irrigation, 10 m L normal saline vinblastine needle solvent intravenous injection . No part of the bolus